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go Teams & Clans Rules and Clarifications

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Everything contained in this post is official policy of's Teams & Clans section. Please note that the Forum Rules apply to Teams and Clans unless stated otherwise in this post. All posters of Teams and Clans (which from now on will be referred to as 'T&C') are required to follow all rules in this post, if you have a question regarding anything in this post please contact either a T&C moderator, Super Moderator, or Administrator.

Rules of T&C:

No 'double posting' unless the posts are twenty four (24) hours apart from each other. The definition of 'Double Posting' on supercheats is posting more than once consecutively without another person/account breaking your post streak.

No spamming. 'Spam' in the T&C is referred to as posting something that takes utterly no thought such as 'This is a post.' Spam can also be referred to as posting off topic, but only if the Team Chief has clearly outlined in their announcements or team description that he/she does not allow off topic posts in any topics in particular, or all of them.

No flaming or flamebaiting. 'Flame' is our term for being rude, insulting, or using hateful words or possibly actions towards any member of supercheats. Flamebait is defined as purposefully annoying someone but not directly flaming them to the point of which you make them flame. In other words, just don't do something that you wouldn't want done to you.

Posts may not contain more than 3 emoticons in a row and no more than 5 per post.

Regarding 'e-dating' in the T&C, we don't allow it and see no relevance for it on a gameing website, strictly under no circumstances are real life meet ups to be organized on T&C. Any contact info posted other than internet related profiles such as email, Facebook, myspace, etc. is to be deleted on site and the poster warned. Any topics made in the forums regarding e-dating/soliciting real world meet ups will be closed immediately and the member who made it could be banned.

Keep details of violence and use of swearing and other profanity to a minimum and suitable for a family-oriented site.

Do not insubordinate any T&C Mod, Smod, or Admin. You are allowed to ask questions of course and even question our actions so that we may reply. But you are not to do so in a disrespectful or insulting way. This will result in your referral to a higher authority if you do not listen to the first Mod/Smod that tells you to follow rules.

Team Chiefs may not abuse their power to edit or delete posts for no valid reason, especially if it is instruction from an authority figure.

Any and all reports of actions violating rules are to be posted here in a team managed by 3 super mods. Please read the thread description before posting.


The '3 word rule' does not apply to T&C, you may post one word or more.

In the instance that an emoticon is all that is contained in a post, the post is considered spam.

As of August 28, 2009, the T&C Moderators are:


End: So that's it, simply follow these few rules and you'll hopefully have a great time in the T&C! Thanks and all the best.

qwertyuio | Super Mod