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Gemstone Order

Life Rp.

Okay. Well, the rules are int eh first post. I woudl liekto thank Lw for lettign me use hsi inner girl idea in this. Um... just, have fun with it.
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Post ID: 1568487 | REPORT Aono Tsukune Posted at: 17-Feb-2009 23:07:57
Aono Tsukune
Team Posts: 26,505
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((two words))
Sir Justin the Aquamarine Elementalist, 34th in the Gemstone Order
Post ID: 1568488 | REPORT lucario warior Posted at: 17-Feb-2009 23:08:55
lucario warior
Team Posts: 76,568
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L:...its ok...*kisses him*

sig by Z (thanks ^^)
(craps and giggles presents) will=poke daddeh xD im telling on you! =3
Post ID: 1568489 | REPORT Aono Tsukune Posted at: 17-Feb-2009 23:11:05
Aono Tsukune
Team Posts: 26,505
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*hugs her*
"i'd do anything for you..."
Sir Justin the Aquamarine Elementalist, 34th in the Gemstone Order
Post ID: 1568490 | REPORT lucario warior Posted at: 17-Feb-2009 23:12:47
lucario warior
Team Posts: 76,568
Post Likes: 0
D: *walks in* our distent cousin, casem is at our house

sig by Z (thanks ^^)
(craps and giggles presents) will=poke daddeh xD im telling on you! =3
Post ID: 1568491 | REPORT Aono Tsukune Posted at: 17-Feb-2009 23:14:28
Aono Tsukune
Team Posts: 26,505
Post Likes: 0
"Casem? ...i haven't seen him in forever!"
Sir Justin the Aquamarine Elementalist, 34th in the Gemstone Order
Post ID: 1568492 | REPORT lucario warior Posted at: 17-Feb-2009 23:15:13
lucario warior
Team Posts: 76,568
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D: lets go *runs*

sig by Z (thanks ^^)
(craps and giggles presents) will=poke daddeh xD im telling on you! =3
Post ID: 1568493 | REPORT Aono Tsukune Posted at: 17-Feb-2009 23:17:12
Aono Tsukune
Team Posts: 26,505
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"but what about class?"
Sir Justin the Aquamarine Elementalist, 34th in the Gemstone Order
Post ID: 1568495 | REPORT lucario warior Posted at: 17-Feb-2009 23:18:37
lucario warior
Team Posts: 76,568
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D: lets skip *runs*

L: *fallows*

*sits with pizza* whan are they coming...

sig by Z (thanks ^^)
(craps and giggles presents) will=poke daddeh xD im telling on you! =3
Post ID: 1568496 | REPORT Aono Tsukune Posted at: 17-Feb-2009 23:20:10
Aono Tsukune
Team Posts: 26,505
Post Likes: 0
" win"
*runs...passing them both...but picks up Lala when he passes*
Sir Justin the Aquamarine Elementalist, 34th in the Gemstone Order
Post ID: 1568497 | REPORT lucario warior Posted at: 17-Feb-2009 23:21:27
lucario warior
Team Posts: 76,568
Post Likes: 0
D: *runs*

*they get there*

hey everyone, i brought pizza to celebrate my arival

sig by Z (thanks ^^)
(craps and giggles presents) will=poke daddeh xD im telling on you! =3
Post ID: 1568498 | REPORT Aono Tsukune Posted at: 17-Feb-2009 23:22:26
Aono Tsukune
Team Posts: 26,505
Post Likes: 0
"just seeing you is celebration enough, Casem"
Sir Justin the Aquamarine Elementalist, 34th in the Gemstone Order
Post ID: 1568499 | REPORT lucario warior Posted at: 17-Feb-2009 23:24:22
lucario warior
Team Posts: 76,568
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thanx dude *walks in* it good seeing you *puts the pizza on the table* d you know whats weird?, some FBI guys were at the pizza place..the guy almost got the pizza's mixed up *eats*

sig by Z (thanks ^^)
(craps and giggles presents) will=poke daddeh xD im telling on you! =3
Post ID: 1568500 | REPORT Aono Tsukune Posted at: 17-Feb-2009 23:25:15
Aono Tsukune
Team Posts: 26,505
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"wow...too much pressure on the guy, eh?"
Sir Justin the Aquamarine Elementalist, 34th in the Gemstone Order
Post ID: 1568503 | REPORT lucario warior Posted at: 17-Feb-2009 23:28:28
lucario warior
Team Posts: 76,568
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yeah *eats another slice* *casem's DNA changes and casem slowly gets a girls body from the neck down* *eats another slice* *gets a girl face and hair changes and gets longer*

D: c-casem?


D: your a g-girl

what? thats impssible

sig by Z (thanks ^^)
(craps and giggles presents) will=poke daddeh xD im telling on you! =3
Post ID: 1568504 | REPORT Aono Tsukune Posted at: 17-Feb-2009 23:30:02
Aono Tsukune
Team Posts: 26,505
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"wow...what a turn of events...your luck still hasn't changed huh?"
Sir Justin the Aquamarine Elementalist, 34th in the Gemstone Order
Post ID: 1568505 | REPORT lucario warior Posted at: 17-Feb-2009 23:32:04
lucario warior
Team Posts: 76,568
Post Likes: 0
what are you talking about?

D: i think you git the FBI's pizza and ate it...

what is she talking about tosh?

sig by Z (thanks ^^)
(craps and giggles presents) will=poke daddeh xD im telling on you! =3
Post ID: 1568506 | REPORT Aono Tsukune Posted at: 17-Feb-2009 23:33:01
Aono Tsukune
Team Posts: 26,505
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*picks up Casem and faces him torwards a mirror*
Sir Justin the Aquamarine Elementalist, 34th in the Gemstone Order
Post ID: 1568507 | REPORT lucario warior Posted at: 17-Feb-2009 23:33:52
lucario warior
Team Posts: 76,568
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*looks* *screams*

sig by Z (thanks ^^)
(craps and giggles presents) will=poke daddeh xD im telling on you! =3
Post ID: 1568508 | REPORT Aono Tsukune Posted at: 17-Feb-2009 23:35:41
Aono Tsukune
Team Posts: 26,505
Post Likes: 0
((hm...C2...nice pic lol))
"calm down"
Sir Justin the Aquamarine Elementalist, 34th in the Gemstone Order
Post ID: 1568509 | REPORT lucario warior Posted at: 17-Feb-2009 23:36:31
lucario warior
Team Posts: 76,568
Post Likes: 0
ima ima ima girl!! *panics*

sig by Z (thanks ^^)
(craps and giggles presents) will=poke daddeh xD im telling on you! =3
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